Skylar & Alaya 40 Day Ultimate Nutrition Testimonial



I began with Purium in May of 2014 to support my 15 year old daughter Alaya when she came to me asking for help losing weight. She was unhappy and having a hard time socially and staying focused academically. A dear friend told me about Purium. I did extended research and found that I could trust these products, not only was Purium organic and NON GMO it was full of nutrients to build up the body, not tear it it down like many cleanses do. My main concern was that it was safe for my daughter and it would be something that would nourish her.

Purium helps to put the body in an anabolic state and support the body to release unwanted toxins and fat. These incredible Superfoods helps you build muscle and saturates the cells with maximum nutrition with very low calories. There are no fillers, chemicals, artificial colors or stimulants, Its just REAL food. I I lost 9lbs on that first cleanse, but more importantly I broke my gripping addiction to sugar, caffeine and I gave up smoking, which was something I have done on and off since I was a teenager. What was even more amazing was that my hormones came into balance and my cycle finally normalized after trying just about everything including Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Alaya lost 30 lbs in 2 months using the Core 4 products and 10 day transformation. She broke her addiction to junk and processed foods, as well as learned balance and developed a new lease on life and a beautiful new relationship to herself. She shares with me now that she eats for nutrition, not as a hobby, and craves healthier food choices. In turn she has more energy, clarity, focus and joy. She also shared how so many girls turn to eating disorders at her age because there is so much pressure about body image, she is so grateful to have found Purium to help her get her habits on track and teach her about nutrition and balance with out having to go down that road.

Fast forward today, 2 years later. ( the pic in the red jeans) I am stronger and healthier than ever, I have maintained the weight I lost, my weight has balanced out and I no longer fluctuate dramatically. For all the years that I struggled with my hormones and fluctuating weight, mood swings, I have finally found something that REALLY works for me. Its not a #littlemagicpill its not a fad diet , its not some crazy regime, its not rocket science. Its simplicity, its gettting back to the basics of nutrition, ITS BALANCE. Its superfood nutrition and from giving this to my body daily, my body has not only been able to heal, but become optimal .

When our bodies PH is alkaline, disease can not thrive and neither can inflammation. When we gently detox our body daily we can thrive in optimal health. My daughter has lost 50 lbs, is an avid yogini, hula dancer and is happier, more focused and vibrant then ever. Weight loss is just a side effect of getting healthy. I am so grateful to have these tools to stay on track with all life throws at us . This is the fastest fast food on the planet, and the most nutritious. If you still haven't checked out what Purium is all about, I highly recommend it from the bottom of my heart. LIFE CHANGING!!! I wish for you all to feel this good.

Agents of Change